Local Development Plan 2030

Draft Plan Strategy Submission

Document Library

Submission document list

1. Draft Plan Strategy Documents

Document title Date published
DPS-100A Document Library - Updated June 2021 June 2021
DPS-100 Document Library March 2021
DPS-101 Draft Plan Strategy September 2019
DPS-102 Draft Plan Strategy District Proposals Map 1 September 2019
DPS-103 Draft Plan Strategy District Proposals Map 2 September 2019
DPS-104 Draft Plan Strategy District Proposals Map 3 September 2019
DPS-105 Draft Plan Strategy ‘Have your say’ September 2019
DPS-106 Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy
(incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Sustainability Appraisal Report
September 2019
DPS-107 Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy
(incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Scoping Report
September 2019
DPS-108 Sustainability Appraisal of Draft Plan Strategy
(incorporating Strategic Environmental Appraisal)  Non-technical Summary
September 2019
DPS-109 Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Plan Strategy
- Addendum Report 1
January 2021
DPS-110 Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report of the Draft Plan Strategy September 2019
DPS-111 Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Draft Plan Strategy
- Addendum Report 1
January 2021
DPS-112 Draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report of the Draft Plan Strategy September 2019
DPS-113 Addendum to draft Equality (Section 75) Screening Report January 2021
DPS-114 Rural Needs Impact Assessment of the Draft Plan Strategy September 2019
DPS-115 Addendum to the Rural Needs Impact Assessment January 2021
DPS-116 Technical Supplement 1- Monitoring and Review September 2019
DPS-117 Technical Supplement 2- Settlement Hierarchy and Strategic Settlement Evaluation September 2019
DPS-118 Technical Supplement 3- Housing September 2019
DPS-119 Technical Supplement 3
- Appendix I – Urban Capacity Study
March 2019
DPS-120 Technical Supplement 4
– Open Space, Sport and Leisure
September 2019
DPS-121 Technical Supplement 5
– Economic Development
September 2019
DPS-122 Technical Supplement 5
– Appendix B Industrial Economic Land Monitor report 2018
March 2018
DPS-123 Technical Supplement 5
- Appendix C - CBRE Availability and Supply Report October 2018
September 2019
DPS-124 Technical Supplement 5
- Appendix D - UUEPC Employment Space Demand Report November 2018
September 2019
DPS-125 Technical Supplement 6 – Retailing and Town Centres September 2019
DPS-126 Technical Supplement 6
- Appendix C – Retail Hierarchy
September 2019
DPS-127 Technical Supplement 6
- Appendix D - Retail & Commercial Leisure Need and Capacity Study - January 2019 (Corrected June 2021 to incorporate NEXUS Appendices A-E (previously omitted)
September 2019
DPS-128 Technical Supplement 7 - Tourism September 2019
DPS-129 Technical Supplement 8 – Minerals Development September 2019
DPS-130 Technical Supplement 9 - Transportation September 2019
DPS-131 Technical Supplement 9
- Appendix A – Draft Mid and East Antrim Local Transport Study
October 2019
DPS-132 Technical Supplement 10 – Countryside Assessment September 2019
DPS-133 Technical Supplement 10
- Appendix A - Landscape Character Assessment
September 2019
DPS-134 Technical Supplement 10
- Appendix B - Development Pressure Analysis
September 2019
DPS-135 Technical Supplement 10
- Appendix C - Candidate Sensitive Landscape Scoring Matrix
September 2019
DPS-136 Technical Supplement 10
- Appendix D - Candidate Sensitive Landscape Scoring Matrix Justification
September 2019
DPS-137 Technical Supplement 10
- Appendix E - Candidate Sensitive Landscape Report
September 2019
DPS-138 Technical Supplement 10
- Appendix G - Maps
September 2019
DPS-139 Technical Supplement 11 - Health, Education, Community and Cultural Facilities September 2019
DPS-140 Technical Supplement 12 - Public Utilities September 2019
DPS-141 Technical Supplement 13 - Built Environment and Creating Places September 2019
DPS-142 Draft Plan Strategy Public Consultation Report March 2021 March 2021
DPS-143 Draft Plan Strategy Schedule of Proposed Modifications  January 2021
DPS-144 Schedule of Proposed Corrections June 2021 June 2021


2. Draft Plan Strategy Representations

Document title Date published
DPS-201 Representations to the Draft Plan Strategy December 2019
DPS-202 Counter Representations to the Draft Plan Strategy March 2020
DPS-203 Comments on Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the Draft Plan Strategy March 2021


3. Further evidence / information

Document title Date published
DPS-301 Further Evidence Report – Housing March 2021
DPS-302 Mid and East Antrim Housing Investment Plan (2019-2023) (NIHE) 2019
DPS-303 Mid and East Antrim Housing Investment Plan (Annual Update 2020) (NIHE) 2020
DPS-304  15 year Housing Needs Assessment to 2030
Mid and East Antrim December 2018 (NIHE)
December 2018
DPS-305 Housing Market Analysis Update
Mid and East Antrim Council Area June 2018  (NIHE)
June 2018
DPS-306 Housing Land Availability Report 2020 2020
DPS-307 Housing Land Availability Report 2019 2019
DPS-308 Housing Land Availability Report 2018 2018
DPS-309 Housing Land Availability Report 2017 2017
DPS-310 Updated Responses from Statutory Consultees March 2021
DPS-311 Industrial and Economic Land Monitor 2020 March 2020
DPS-312 DfE Annual Minerals Statement 2018 2020
DPS-313 Report on Covid-19 Response March 2021


4. Self-Assessment of Soundness

Document title Date published
DPS-401 Self- Assessment of Soundness March 2021
DPS-401A Draft Plan Strategy Addendum to Self-Assessment of Soundness June 2021  June 2021
DPS-402 Statement of Community Involvement  December 2020 December 2020
DPS-403 Statement of Community Involvement (Revised) November 2019 November 2019
DPS-404 Statement of Community Involvement August 2016 August 2016
DPS-405 Statement of Community Involvement Compliance Report March 2021
DPS-406 Local Development Plan 2030 Timetable (2020 revision) December 2020
DPS-407 Local Development Plan 2030 Timetable (2019 revision) April 2019
DPS-408 Local Development Plan 2030 Timetable (2017 revision) June 2017
DPS-409 LDP Timetable August 2016 August 2016


5. Preferred Options Paper Documents

Document title Date published
DPS-501 Preferred Options Paper June 2017
DPS-502 Preferred Options Paper Summary June 2017
DPS-503 Preferred Options Paper Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
(incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment)
June 2017
DPS-504 Preferred Options Paper Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report
(incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment)
June 2017
DPS-505 Preferred Options Paper Equality Impact Interim Screening Report June 2017
DPS-506 Preferred Options Paper Public Consultation Report November 2017
DPS-507 Report on how POP representations were taken into account in preparation of draft Plan Strategy March 2021
DPS-508 Paper 1: Population and Growth June 2014
DPS-509 Population Paper Appendices, Maps and Population Projection June 2014
DPS-510 Addendum to Paper 1-Population and Growth September 2019
DPS-511 Paper 2: Housing and Settlement November 2014
DPS-512 Housing and Settlement Appendices and Maps November 2014
DPS-513 Addendum to Paper 2: Housing and Settlement April 2016
DPS-514 Paper 3: Employment and Economic Development February 2015
DPS-515 Employment and Economic Development Appendices February 2015
DPS-516 Paper 4: Town Centre and Opportunity Sites March 2015
DPS-517 Town Centre and Opportunity Sites Appendices March 2015
DPS-518 Paper 5: Environmental Assets July 2015
DPS-519 Paper 6: Open Space and Recreation July 2015
DPS-520 Paper 7: Tourism August 2015
DPS-521 Paper 8: Public Utilities Infrastructure October 2016
DPS-522 Paper 9: Education, Health and Community Facilities September 2015
DPS-523 Paper 10: Development Pressure Analysis December 2015
DPS-524 Paper 11: Strategic Settlement Evaluation March 2016
DPS-525 Strategic Settlement Evaluation Appendices March 2016
DPS-526 Paper 12: Minerals Development August 2016
DPS-527 Paper 13: Housing Allocation May 2016
DPS-528 Paper 14: Transportation September 2016
DPS-529 Transportation Appendices September 2016


6. Other Strategies and documents

Document title Date published
DPS-601 Mid and East Antrim Borough Council 2019-2023 Corporate Plan 2019
DPS-602 Mid and East Antrim Borough Council 2015-2019 Corporate Plan 2015
DPS-603 Putting People First - The Mid and East Antrim Community Plan 2017
DPS-604 Amplify
- The Integrated Economic Development Strategy for Mid and East Antrim 2018 -2030
May 2018
DPS-605 Mid and East Antrim Borough Council - Out to Play Strategy 2020-2024 July 2018
DPS-606 Cycling Routes Masterplan for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council February 2018
DPS-607 Antrim Coast and Glens Management Plan 2008-2018 – Five Year Action Plan June 2008
DPS-608 Antrim Coast and Glens Design Guide 1988