Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Environmental Health

Environmental Health Fees

Here you will find the fees and policy documents that apply to all charges for the Environmental Health Service and will replace policies of predecessor Councils which continued to operate while this policy was being developed.

Environmental Health Discretionary Pricing Schedule

Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011

This Act enables District Councils to offer offenders of Environmental offences the opportunity to discharge any liability for offences by payment of a fixed penalty. 

For the majority of offences the Act allows Councils to set the amounts for the fixed penalty. 

* Amount set in legislation

Fixed Penalty Area Fee


1.  Abandoned Vehicle Article 29 (1) (a) of The Pollution Control and Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 1978

2.  Nuisance Parking Sections 2 and 3 of Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011




1.  Litter Dropping Articles 3 (1) and 4 (1) of Litter (Northern Ireland) Order 1994

2.  Distribution of Free Material (Paragraph 1 of Schedule 1A of Litter (Northern Ireland) Order 1994




Litter Clearing/Street Litter Control Notices

Failure to comply Article 12C(2) or 14(8) of Litter (Northern Ireland) Order 1994



Fly Tipping

Article 4(1)(a) of The Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 as amended

(£300 if paid within 10 days)


Graffiti and other defacement Section 26 (10) of Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011



Dog Control Orders

1.  Fouling
Schedule 1, paragraph 1 of Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties etc) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012

2.  On Leads
Schedules 2 and 3, paragraph 1 of Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties etc) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012

3.  Exclusion From Land
Schedule 4 paragraph 1 of Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties, etc) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012

(£80 if paid within 10 days)






Audible Intruder Alarms (Section 50 (4)) of Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011



Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 as amended

A Council may charge a reasonable fee as it may determine for registration. 

The businesses that can be registered under this legislation are set out below. 

Where a business provides more than one of the listed cosmetic procedures and stipulates the procedures at the time of registration then they can expect to make only one payment of £100. 

Any subsequent applications to register for further procedures will carry a fee of £100.

Registration Type


Cosmetic Piercing
Semi-permanent Colouring







Ear Piercing


High Hedges Act (Northern Ireland) 2011

Council has discretion in terms of the level of the fee set up to the prescribed statutory maximum of £360. 

Fees from those persons whose complaint has been upheld are refunded. 

Council Officers also carry out an advisory visit before the fee is levied but not before the complainant can provide evidence that they have sought to resolve the matter with the hedge owner as indicated in DOE Guidance. 

This approach will ensure that complaints which are not about ‘high hedges’ or which are unlikely to result in enforcement action will not be required to provide a fee.

Application Fee


Private Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 2006

This Order permits a District Council to charge a fee to a landlord or tenant in respect of an application to conduct an inspection of a dwelling house, which is let or to be let under a private tenancy, in order to determine whether the dwelling house is fit for human habitation. 

An initial inspection fee and re-inspection fee are laid out in regulations under the Order at £50 and £100 respectively. 

Also the Order gives power to Councils to seek payment from persons upon whom a notice of unfitness or a notice of disrepair has been served.

Fee Type Fee
Certificate of Unfitness

Utilise initial fitness inspection fee of £50

Certificate of Disrepair

Utilise re-inspection fee of £100

The Landlord Registration Scheme Regulations (NI) 2014

Under the regulations it is an offence for a landlord to let a dwelling house under a private tenancy and not register or to provide false information for registration. 

Where a person is found guilty of either of these offences they may be issued with a fixed penalty. 

Legislation provides for the fixed penalty fee to be set at an amount not exceeding 1/5 of the maximum fine payable on summary conviction of the offence. 

For the above two offences the maximum court fine if £2,500 (Level 4 fine). 

The maximum fixed penalty for these offences would therefore be £500.

It is also an offence if a registered landlord fails to provide evidence of registration in prescribed circumstances. 

This offence attracts a lesser fine on summary conviction not exceeding level 2 on the standard scale (£500). 

The maximum fixed penalty for this offence would, therefore, be £100 (1/5 of the maximum court fine).

Offence Fixed Penalty Amount

Landlord Registration

  • Failure to Register
  • Provision of False Information
  • Failure to Provide Evidence of Registration



Dogs – Fees and Charges

Service Fee

Kennelling Fee for Stray Dogs

£23.00 for day or part thereof
£12.00 per day thereafter

Street Trading

In June 2022 fees were agreed for a number of street trading licences which are available within the Mid and East Antrim Borough Council area.


Stationary – Annual

Stationary - market stall per day £10

Mobile – Annual




Temporary - organised market


Variation of Existing Street Trading Licence


Licensing of Pavement Cafés Act (NI) 2014

Pavement Café licence fees

Grant/Renewal of Pavement Café licence


Variation of Pavement Café Licence


Roads (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (NI) 2010

Road Closure Order for Special Event - Fees

Commercial/Public Body


Community/Voluntary organisation


Civil Partnership Regulations (NI) 2005/Marriage Regulations (NI) 2003

Approved Premises for  Civil Marriage & Civil Partnerships 

3 year Place Approval


Temporary Place Approval


Food Hygiene Training

Food Hygiene Level 2 training is provided internally at a cost of £55 per person.


Service Fee
Duplicate copies of letters and other general correspondence £10*
Duplicate copies of legal notices, permits, certificates and licences £10*
Duplicate copies of legal notices, permits, certificates and licences obtained from outside agencies Price on application
Safe Catering Pack £15
Safer Food Better Business Pack £10
Replacement Temperature Monitoring Books etc £2 each

*Charge applies to hard copies only.  E-copies will be free of charge.

Environmental Health Statutory Pricing Schedule

Legislation Service Charge

Environmental Protection 

Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003

Note: Charges relate to application fee and annual subsistence fee per year thereafter.

Animal and Vegetable Processing
(Fees vary according to risk categorisation of premises)

Low         £737
Medium   £1130
High        £1486

Coating Processes
(Fees vary according to risk categorisation of premises)

Low         £737
Medium   £1130
High        £1486

Dry Cleaners


Petrol Stations (dependent on volume)

£161 or £249

Vehicle Paint Resprayer


Cement Batching/Blending


Health and Safety

The Safety of Sports Grounds (Fees and Appeals) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009

Issue of a General Safety Certificate


Amendment, Replacement or Transfer of a General Safety Certificate


Issue of a Certificate for a Regulated Stand


Amendment, Replacement or Transfer of a Certificate for a Regulated Stand


Public Health

Registration Poisons (NI) Order 1976

Poisons Registration (Annual)


Dog Licensing

The Dogs (Northern Ireland) Order 1983 Over 65 – First Dog


Over 65 – Additional Dog


Concession Licence (relates to specified benefits)


Full Licence


Block Licence*

*Three or more dogs are kept by persons who keep on the same premises:
(a) not less than three unsterilized bitches (which breed between them less than 3 litters in a 12 month period)
(b)  not less than three dogs which are registered with the Kennel Club or with such other organisations as the Department may, by order, specify
(c)  being the premises of guard dog kennels in respect of which those person are registered under Article 10, not less than three dogs which are used a guard dogs elsewhere


Caravans (Northern Ireland) Act 1963 New Licence/Transfer/Renewal


Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 as amended

1. Indoor Entertainment Licence

    - New/Transfer/Annual Renewal

Not more than 100 persons

Occasional £50
Full £100

101 to 200 persons

Occasional £75
Full £150

201 to 300 persons

Occasional £125
Full £250

301 to 500 persons

Occasional £200
Full £400

501 to 1000 persons

Occasional £375
Full £750

Over 1000 persons

Occasional £500
Full £1000

2. Application for a Circus



3. Application for a premises to be used for indoor billiards, pool, snooker or other similar games


4.  An application or an occasional (14 day licence) in respect of:
(a)  a place used wholly or mainly for public religious worship
(b)  a place used for religious meeting or services
(c)  an educational institution while not being used as such


5.  An application for an occasional (14 day licence) where the application is made by a voluntary organisation or a charity


6. Outdoor Entertainment Licence

Not more than 500 persons


Over 500 persons


7.  Voluntary Outdoor Entertainment
     Licence (Not for Profit)

Not more than 500 persons


Over 500 persons


8.  Variations (to any licence)

The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Northern Ireland) Order 1985

Society Lottery – New Application


Society Lottery - Renewal


The Betting and Gaming (Northern Ireland) Order 2004

Amusement Permit – Article 108 1(c)


Amusement Permit – Article 108 1(c)(a)


The Cinemas (Northern Ireland) Order 1991

Cinematograph Licence (Annual)

£600 pa

Cinematograph Licence (Monthly)

£200 pm

Health and Safety Fees Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009

Petroleum Licence (not exceeding 2500L)

£42 pa

Petroleum Licence (exceeding 2500L but not exceeding 50000L)

£58 pa

Petroleum Licence (exceeding 50000L)

£120 pa

Transfer of Petroleum Licence
