Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Carnfunnock Country Park

General Information

Below you will find a range of information aimed at making your time in Carnfunnock enjoyable without the risk of causing detriment to the experience of other visitors.

We would ask that visitors are aware of this and respect both others and the environment around them.

Onsite facilities
Child Protection
Control of Dogs
Future Visits
Private Event Ground Hire
Memorial Tree Planting / Bench Plaques
Agricultural Lettings
Participation and Inclusion
Leave No Trace principles
Lost Property
Restricted Activities
Weddings / Civil Partnerships

Child Protection

Carnfunnock Country Park has a child protection code of practice for all staff and visitors to the park.

This highlights a code of behaviour for all staff and operational guidelines in relation to: lost / found children; photography; first aid treatment; reporting procedures; staff recruitment and training; response to suspected or alleged child abuse and duties and responsibility of parents and group leaders. 

This document is currently being updated and will be available soon.

Control of Dogs

Carnfunnock is zoned into red (no dogs allowed except guide dogs), amber (dogs allowed on leads) , blue (dogs permitted off lead at set times) and green (dogs permitted off leads).

In the interests of safety and hygiene, dog owners must adhere to the following zones and ensure that all dogs are kept under control:

Dog Control Key What it means
RED No dogs except guide dogs:
Maze, Family Fun Zone, walled garden, activity centre, golf course, inside buildings
YELLOW Dogs allowed on leads only:
Games field; caravan park and camp site; exterior of visitor centre; car parks; vehicular roads including entrance road from activity centre to barrier hut
BLUE Dogs allowed off leads at permitted times:
7am-11am and 7pm-11pm.
GREEN Dogs allowed off leads:
All other areas, not listed above

Download the Carnfunnock Dog Control map


Please ensure that you clean up after your dog using the special red bins provided.

Under the Litter (Northern Ireland) Order 1994, it is an offence for the owner of a dog to not to clear up after their dog if it has left faeces on publicly accessible land. In order to minimise inconvenience to all our users it is our policy to fine any dog owner who allows their pet to foul in the Park and does not clean up after it i.e. an on the spot fine of £25 from the Enforcement Officer, or, if taken to court, a maximum penalty of £500 plus costs.

Future Visits

If you are interested in specific information regarding a future visit please check out our details on accessibility, and lost property

You can also view full details on activities restricted in the park or the principles of the Leave No Trace Campaign on this site.

If you are interested in arranging an event or marking a special occasion please see our weddings / civil partnership ceremonies or photographs information.

Private Event Ground Hire

The Park's front field and upper car park are also available to hire for private events.

Please visit 'Can I book a Council owned park?' and submit a request as directed. 

Please Note:  In line with Council's obligations under Section 75 (1) and (2) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council prohibits the use of any of its facilities for political purposes so as to maintain all venues as neutral spaces.


Our pricing is reviewed annually and updated as required.

To view our current pricing across the park visit our Carnfunnock Price Information page.

Memorial Tree Planting / Bench Plaques

At Carnfunnock we are often approached regarding planting a tree as a lasting memorial to a deceased friend or relative.

We can suggest potential planting locations and advise on the most suitable tree for a particular area.

Trees are usually planted during November/early part of December, a commemorative plaque can be placed next to the tree and a planting ceremony can be arranged.

We can also supply a memorial bench with a plaque.

If you require any further information on either of these memorial options, please read the information available on the Cemetery section of this website.

If you are interested in arranging an event or marking a special occasion please see wedding / civil partnership ceremonies or photographs.

Agricultural Lettings

Carnfunnock Country Park’s agricultural land is registered with the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) under the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Scheme, as it is located within the Causeway Coast and Glens area.

The Council does not own any livestock within the Park.

However there are 16 field lettings, where land is leased to local farmers for livestock grazing.

Certain lettings can only accommodate sheep i.e. lots 10, 15  and 16.  Only lot 12 may accommodate horses. 

The following grazing time restrictions apply:

  • 1 April – 30 November - Cattle only
  • 1 April – 28 February – Sheep only
  • No livestock is permitted in March. 

The lettings are tendered every 3 years.

If you require any further information on the management or operation of these lettings, please contact Neil Steward, Parks Superintendent on T: 028 2826 2462.

We also have a number of restricted activities that are not permitted in the Park and may incur fines or prosecution.

If you are interested in any other information not covered by our website, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to address the issue.